Helm's Deep, featuring light grey architecture with sand green highlights. The other six are 9476 The Orc Forge, which focuses exclusively on the orcs, 9471 Uruk-hai Army, in which heroes and villains are approximately evenly matched, 9470 Shelob Attacks, in which the evil spider Shelob is the primary focus, 79005 The Wizard Battle, where the focus is Saruman's Palantír and the battle between the two wizards, 79007 Battle at the Black Gate, which is mainly focused on The Mouth of Sauron that is sent to tell Aragorn and Gandalf that Frodo was captured, and 10237 The Tower of Orthanc, where the primary focus is the tower of Orthanc, owned by the evil traitor wizard Saruman. The Lord of the Rings theme currently consists of one main theme, simply branded The Lord of the Rings, although it has three unofficial subthemes, each based on the film after which it is named.Ĭurrently, six of the twelve sets ( 9469 Gandalf Arrives, 9472 Attack on Weathertop, 9473 The Mines of Moria, 9474 The Battle of Helm's Deep, 79006 The Council of Elrond, and 79008 Pirate Ship Ambush) focus on the heroes of the theme.
9469 Gandalf Arrives, one of the theme's two vehicle-based sets.